
19 November 2012

TSB "all weekend" Gaming event

An all weekend gaming event. Unfortunately only 7 players made it. Still, it was a fun gaming weekend with lots of good food, drinks, laughter and some… frustration (mostly due to bad dice roll).

The comp was: 2000p, one Force Organisation Chart, no Allies, no Mysterious Terrain ore Mysterious Objectives.

Andreas Chaos army

Andrés Dark Eldar (Last Hatred)

Trond´s Craftworld Eldar (Biel Tan)

Inger Helene´s Orks

Jørn´s Chaos army (Word Bearers)

Ørnulv Space Marines (Ultramarines)

(Tom Erik, sorry my picture of your Necron army came out very blurry).


Chaos vs Chaos (Word Bearers)

Craftworld Eldar (Biel Tan) vs Dark Eldar (Last Hatred)

Spacemarines (Ultramarines vs Orks)

Do you feel lucky? Well do you Boyz!?

Craftworld Eldar (Biel Tan) vs Necrons

In the blue corner…

… and in the reed corner:

Something evil is lurking in the dark…


  1. ...and a good time was had by all!!!

    I've got to say that this was an inspiring weekend for me. Both in terms of where I'll be going with my army over the next few months, and regarding an idea I had early Sunday morning. More on that at a later date, though.

    I'll round off here by saying 'thank you' once again for a thoroughly enjoyable weekend. Next time, remind me not to bring along all the spring rolls. SheWhoComesFirst was a little miffed about that.

  2. Thx for a really nice gaming weekend:) I had a very good time!


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