
28 October 2011

Kabalite Warriors Painting first unit - ØRNULVS OCTOBER 2011 PROJECT # 5

After a hectic period at work, I finally got around to paint my first unit of Kabalite Warriors. Early on I decided NOT to go with the ”traditional colour scheme”. The front picture on the Codex of a Warrior with splinter rifle caught my eye! Dark blue armour.

It was important for me to find a method that would enable me to paint fairly quickly. I have done a lot of mistakes during painting this trial unit, but I think they have an ok table standard, and I can paint up 10 Warriors per week, enabling me to finish the infantry models before Christmas. Anyway, this is how they turned out (the models are much darker in real life – sorry for the crappy foots).

1 comment:

  1. These aren't the pictures from this morning!

    It's a little hard to tell, but it looks like you've got the feathered edge-highlight pretty much nailed. Assuming the true colour of the armour lies somewhere between the silver of the first pic and the dark blue of the second, I think these are going to look about as spectacular as I hoped.

    I do think you could darken the blood down a tone or two, since you've gone with puddles rather than spatter/spray, and perhaps the armour could do with a little freehanding/detailing to break the armour up a little.

    I'll have to wait until I can have a look in person to say for sure though. We'll have a chat about it on saturday!


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