When the previous edition of the Dark Eldar Codex where realised, I bought almost all of the new models (kits) - including Hellions. But eventually I decided to go with a shooty MSU list, and traded them in for other models. Now, 4 years later, during the expansion of my Dark Eldar army, I decided on revisit units I had previously discarded.
The amount of options you have when building Hellion’s, and the narrative behind this unit, it just awesome. And of course I had to ad some parts making them a little more macabre. In my opinion, the Dark Eldar models surpass almost all other army’s in the GW range. And although many of the models are a little fiddly to build, and are full of small parts and details that makes it challenging (for my anyway) to paint, it has been a joy to paint these models.
The Beast Masters are very similarly to the Hellions, baring typically the helmets. The Beast Master models are Finecast Models and expensive. I therefore decided fore some variety to make them work as both. And since they appearance are close to Wyshes, I went with my traditional painting pallet. Anyway, this is how they turned out.
Hellion with Hellglaive |
Grisly trophies |
The whole unit |
Macabre Grisly trophies |
Helliarch with stunclaw |
Beastmaster (or Helliarc) |
What next? My Coven army needs some upgrades for the Raiders…