again, after yet another great tournament in Kristiansand – the “Invasion
tournament” held during the weekend 14.09-15.09.2013.
course the event started earlier for the members of Team Storm Bolter (TSB)
attending, since it takes over 4 hours to drive from Oslo to Kristiansand.
Inger Helene, Jørn, Trond, Linus and myself drove down on Friday, enjoying a
meal and a few drinks the night before the “big bang”.
Ego; Drinks in the harbour after a 4,5 hour drive |
summer I started a massive project, rebasing the whole of my Ultramarines army
(more on that in a separate post), and I had a plan to field them during the
tournament using the new Codex: Space marines. Even though I tried, I just
could not finish the new models in time, and where left with the choice between
Tyranids (NIDS) and Dark Eldar (DE).
play tested my DE army against Jørn two times, and Trond one time. Disaster!
With those damn Hell Drakes (and Jørn is fielding two of them), and my own army
without cost effective AA, I was nearly wiped out. During the preparation for
the tournament Trond fielded a test army who pretty much did the same (as a
side note, I think I had fare better facing the army he ended up with, but I am
sure Trond will comment why so I am not going into that). Then I test played my
NIDS against Jørn, and that was a much better match up. I went back and forth
between the armies driving some of my fellow team members to the brink of
despair, but in the end, after letting “my inner feel-god” decide, I went with
my DE:
X Wyches in Raider
X Wyches in Raider
X Kabalite Warriors in Raider
X Kabalite Warriors in Raider
X Kabalite Warriors in Venom
X Kabalite Warriors in Venom
X Kabalite Trueborn in Venom
X Kabalite Trueborn in Venom
X Kabalite Trueborn in Venom
X Scourges
is obviously a 5th edition MSU list. Yes I ended second last year
(2012), but 6th edition was relative new at that time, so I was
scared I would be completely overrun, mostly due to my lack of ability to
handle flyers and flying monsters. I did not feel very confident, and to be
hones, I talked “down” my army.
An old photo - The entire "Kabal of Eternal Hatred" |
One – NIDS – Crusade – Dawn of War
2012 I played a Tyranid Genestealer spam army, with lots of Gaunts, Tervigons
and Hive Guard. Invasion 2012 had a different point system, I lost with one
point against this list, due to first blood, but besides that the game was a
draw. I have fought that battle over and over again in my mind during the last
year; “Why did I not go slightly forward unleashing a hail of splinter fire
instead of redeploying going for a safe draw”? And now, I actually got to play
the game once more, what an opening to tournament!
time I got it right! First turn I managed to gun down two units of
Genestealers, reducing yet another two units, taking down a squad of Hive
Guard, and wounding the Tervigons. As the NIDS advanced I managed to gun down
almost all the Genestealers, hordes of Gaunts, but most importantly, a Tervigon
(Warlord) and a flying Hive Tyrant. After having managed to save my Venoms by
using Flickerfield 5 times in a row, my opponent ended the game.
held 4 out of 5 objectives; I had First Blood, Slay the warlord and most Kill
4 – NIDS 0
Two – Imperial Guard – The Scouring – Vanguard Strike
Mechanised Imperial Guard (IG) with Chimera spam, two artillery tanks, Russ
with Demolisher cannon, two Vendettas and Eldar allies! I went second. Holding
half of my army in reserve I hoped for an effective “punch” in turn two. It was
not meant to be. My units entered from reserve one by one, and where shot to
pieces, one by one. Adding injury to insult, my new dice failed me, and my
Lance fire was ineffective.
lost big time, but it was a good game against a pleasant opponent.
0 – IG 4
Three - Necrons - Purge the Alien
– Hammer and Anvil
again I faced an opponent I played in 2012. One of the most polite and
easygoing opponent I have ever played. I was pleased to spend yet another
couple of hours of my life playing this guy.
played Necrons last time I met him, this time he fielded two “tanks with
Warriors”, units of Wraiths with Destroyer lord, Immortals with a Warlord,
Death marks with Crypteck, another unit of Warriors and Battle Barges! That was
a lot of models with reanimation protocols and a lot of fast moving armour with
AV 13!
got turn one. Night fight, so he went slightly forward hugging cover. I moved
the whole of my army forward, opening fire with everything that had weapons
that would have effect from long range. I managed to blow up one of the
transports, killing most of the Warriors inside, blowing up a Battle Barge and
killing of half of those damn Wraiths. He closed in on my line but had little
success; my Filcher fields and Jink saves, in combination with ordinary cower,
left my DE pretty unharmed. This again gave me the possibilities to bring the
full weight of DE firepower to bear turn two. Another Battle Barge was downed,
the Wraiths and their Destroyer lord killed. Warrior units on the ground where
hurt, but not totally whipped out. The Necron army kept pushing forward,
downing some Venom’s, and the Deep striking Death Marks finished of my unit of
Scourges in one go! But after that, the DE army mixed Lance and Splinter fire
picking of armour and infantry unit by unit. Although, the Necron army kept
going, and by the end of the game the Immortals (with the Warlord) and two
small warrior units was still making their presence felt.
had first blood, Line breaker, more Kill points and held 2 table quarters.
4 – Necrons 0
a quick cleanup, new clothes, a bear in the lobby, yet another fantastic dinner
at “Mother India” restaurant, some more drinks back at the hotel, and –
RIIIIING – Day two!
do I always have to ask for extra spicy food? Well, I was all right by the
start of game four.
Four – NIDS - The Emperor’s Will – Dawn of War
played a well known gamer in the 40K environment that I really hit it of with.
Straight away I felt that this was going to be one of those “pleasant feel god
games”. None the less, my opponent had way more gaming experience than me, so I
expected a nail biter!
Tervigons(!), tons of Gaunts, two Trygons, The Doom of Malatigh and two Winged
Hive Tyrants…. I really hate those bugs….
got turn one. Night fight. The DE adjusted position and opened fire. I managed
to take one Tervigon down to one wound, killed a Trygon and one Winged Hive
Tyrant! Spawning from hell – 30+ new Gaunts turn one, and they kept spawning…..
The whole of the NIDS army moving forwards, the remaining Hive Tyrant (Warlord)
swooped forward gunning down a Venom, with Trueborn failing their Pinning test.
They where closing in, fast! Ok - keep your head cool, they are only bugs… I
managed to kill a Tervigon on one flank, and sent some units up to secure the
object in the NIDS deployment zone. By that time it was pretty clear my
opponent used that as a decoy, going for my own object. The rest of the army
focused on the majority of the NIDS army, and of course, the Flying Hive
Tyrant. I opened fire, with most of my army aiming at the Hive Tyrant. You have
got to be kidding me - NOTHING! Sure, I plucked some wounds of a Tervigon and
killed some Gaunts, but the main target was very much alive and kicking (eh -
flying….)! The NIDS kept pushing, and the damn Doom of Malatigh deep strikes
straight into my line, causing havoc with those damn LD tests its presence
demands. Again a Venom was downed, and two units with Warriors destroyed. Damn.
I knew that if I failed during turn three, the NIDS would overrun my lines,
possibly the game ending with a draw. Splinter drill; I started to kill of the
Gaunts holding the objective in the NIDS deployment zone, but could not commit
enough recourses there this turn in order to bolster my line in centre. This
time the DE came through for me, ore should I say the dice rolled decent, I
finished of the Doom of Malatigh, the Hive Tyrant and more Gaunts. Puh. Get me
a beer! The NIDS kept coming, but I managed to secure the NIDS objective and
contesting my own. A real nail biter, so much magic, so many models to kill.
The Spawning never ended, fortunately, the game did.
had First Blood, Slay The Warlord, one objective and more units in my enemy’s
deployment zone.
4 – NIDS 0
Five – Daemons of Chaos – Big Guns never tire– Vanguard Strike
I tire… I was really tired and already dreading the 4,5 hour drive back to
Oslo. And to top it of I was facing an army I did not know anything about, an
army that also had 3 victories behind it, including one of my fellow TSB.
15 minutes of rolling dice (powers and abilities I partly understood), the game
started. Turn one I managed to get first blood when I blew up an armoured
monstrosity. But when a large unit of screamers with 2+ Inv with re-roll failed
saves on one! hit my line in combination with powerful spells turn two, I
started loosing units fast. Fortunately I managed to kill of the other armoured
monster, and inflicted pain on he’s infantry units. The battle became very
intense, but in good spirit. I almost used my “I am old and have a hart
condition so I must not get to exited, please let me know if I am sweating”
trick. The battle wavered back and forth, but I felt early on that I probably
would loose this game. As the game progressed it became clear to me that my
opponent really hated my army and had the same feeling! I hoped for a draw. At
the end, it came down to two dice rolls! I held an objective where he placed a
“web portal”. I hit it with a Blaster shot. If he failed a 5+ cover save, the
portal would collapse. It did not! In his last turn he spawned daemons on a 4+
from it. He rolled a 4. A daemon came and flamed the unit holding my objective,
also claiming it! He held one objective. All others where contested by both
armies. A nail biter, and great game!
0 – Daemons 3
last game had taken a long time, and I was desperately trying to pack my gear
when the results where called. Between applauding the winners and packing my army,
my name was suddenly shouted, and I realized I had won the award for
best-painted army for the second year in a row! Very happy about thatJ
vice I ended #6 out of 28 (ore 26), not to bad for a 5th edition MSU
list. And as my fellow team members stated afterwards – never talk your DE army
down again Ørnulv! I assure you, I will not.
forward to next year. Now, what to bring? Well, I will call Trond and Jørn, at
home, ore at work, but I think I will wait at least 10 months. In the mean time,
I will revert to more friendly “fluff gaming”, trying to keep in contact with
new gamers I have met and had the pleasure to play against.
forward to next year!