
25 December 2011

A kind of Chrismas card...

5 kommentarer

Ho, ho, ho... Chrismas eve has come and gone. In just a few more hours now the presents should have been opened all across the western hemisphere.

The next few days should be dedicated to relaxation with family and friends, perhaps pondering a new year's resolution or two. There are the usual health/school/work related ones, but we shouldn't miss this opportunity to set ourself a hobby-goal or two as well. I've got a handfull in mind myself, but I'll hold off a few more days before posting them in the comments below.

In the mean time, I'd like to whish you all a continued merry Christmas-season on behalf of the Team.

Stay tuned for the New Year's resolutions!
(...and do feel free to post your own.)

23 December 2011

Dark Eldar Wyches - Christmas uppdate - ØRNULVS DECEMBER PROJECT # 2

2 kommentarer

Christmas greetings!

My progress over the last couple of weeks have not been as planned due to an increase in my work load (damn).

However I have finished to complete my 3 units of Wyches. Having used a lot of the parts from my three boxes when building my Kabalite Trueborn, it was a small “undertaking” to make due with the left over from both the Kabalite Warrior sprues and Wyches sprues.

This is how they turned out:

Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year!


First of all, thanks for al the positive feedback guys!

After having built all the infantry models in my original “Kabalite heavy fleet list”, I realised that I also wanted to explore the close combat units (as Jørn commented). I have therefore decided to build two types of warriors regarded as Dark Eldars “close combat specialists”.

First out – 30 Wyches. I thought I should post some “in progress pictures”. This is the first squad. I build some extra models so I can field them in units of 5 – 9.

I think the models hava a great posture and they have lots of detail. The only problem I had was their legs; the models all lean forward making it difficult to “pin them to the slate”. I therefore decided to use the original design with the “cross bar”, attaching slate on each side. I think it worked out ok.

I will post more pictures as soon as the rest is built.

PS! Jørn – heeeelp, I need more slate… ;)

6 December 2011

Dark Eldar Scourges - ØRNULVS DECEMBER PROJECT # 1

2 kommentarer

After yet another hectic period at work, I finally managed to finish my 3 units with 5 Scourges each, armed with 3 Shard Carbines and 2 Splinter Cannons.

The wings were a challenge. What colours to use? The Scourges undergo sever physical altering. Bone structure is hollowed out, steel implanted and wings attached with cylinders containing chemicals that “fuels the flight”!

Having used a rather pale grey-brown colour on the skin of my Kabalite Trueborn, I decided to use almost the same colour on the wings, trying to mimic use of organic material. I also painted details metal to implement the metal structure beneath the grown flesh and feathers.

I still haven’t been able to get hold of a new camera (or a better location) to take better photos, however I wanted to post various pictures during the paint process.

First I painted the wings and head feathers:

Then I painted the armour and gave it a wash:

The armour is dry brushed after hard lining and all the details and the base finished:

Here – all 3 squads together:

What to do next?